Monday, January 22, 2018

Q 26: Viral Zoonosis Basics...

What do you know about viral zoonoses...? (these should not be too hard!)

Considering the following:

B Virus
Hepatitis A
Newcastle Dis

Which disease(s) ?
1. Is/are generally lethal in new world primates
2. Are transmittable by aerosol
3. Bats are a/the reservoir host
4. Cause tumors
5. Squirrels are significant reservoirs
6. smallpox vaccine is protective
7. The reservoir host is probably NOT the african green monkey
8. Transmitted by Aedes mosquitos
9. Rodents are the reservoir hosts
10. Have been transmitted by corneal transplants


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Q 25: Those OTHER parasites (of rats)

Apologies for taking an extended holiday break, but my excuse is hopefully that everyone else was taking a break too 😆

This  month's questions are rats, yet again.  Many of us are now seeing lots of parasites we haven't seen before, courtesy of PCR testing, and if you're like me, you had to go look some of them up!
So here are some questions regarding those 'other' parasites...
Here's the list:  (if it looks like the index from the rat blue book, there's a reason for that!)

1. Trypanosoma lewisi
2. Hepatozoon muris
3. Toxoplasma gondii
4. Hammondia hammondi
5. Sarcocystis spp.
6. Frenkelia spp.
7. Trichinella spiralis
8. Calodium hepaticum
9. Trichosomoides crassicauda
10. Gongylonema hepaticum
11. Taenia taeniaeformis
12. Giardia muris
13. Spironucleus muris
14. Hexamastix muris
15. Chilomastix bettencourti
16. Tritrichomonas muris
17. Pentatrichomonas hominis
18. Eimeria nieschulzi
19. Entamoeba muris
20. Balantidium coli.

And here are the questions:

A. List those that are likely to be seen in laboratory rats
B. List those that have clinical or pathological consequences
C. List those that are rat host-specific
D. List those that can infect humans
E. List those where reported response to infection may affect research.
F (bonus - what is the picture showing?)

Happy hunting the answers!

Answers are posted here